7 Armies Music

Secret Story 3000x3000

Secret Story

Gabriel Balky

Gabriel Balky – Secret Story


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‘We all have this ‘Secret Story’ or maybe we live it through other people.
From my life experience so far, I decided to write this track with this theme. I was lied, I was betrayed, but everytime I forgave, but never forget. I believe we all do this when things are hidden from us and we find out later.
In this kind of situations, all we have to do is to return to ourselves, maybe to learn to be more assumed and not to create a ‘Secret Story’ to other persons. I hope we’ll learn to be more assumed, more sincere, to sustain the truth regardless of how it could be, what do we have to lose? We could lose unassumed people, insincere, gutless, people who have to learn from the right people, but if you’re not right for them, do you really consider a loss this kind of people?
With love! I hope my track will persuade you!’
~Gabriel Balky~